Saving Money Amidst Challenges


New Release

Saving Money Amidst Challenges

There is no magic formula for becoming rich, your spending habits, your lifestyle, the people you associate with, your mindset, religious affiliations, and other things will all work together either to your success or failure. We have seen very rich people becoming poor, and we have seen poor people who became rich. “Saving Money Amidst Challenges” will help you identify some of the financial pitfalls to avoid and great habits to embrace.

Saving Money Amidst Challenges


Ojo Akindele Alo

Ojo Akindele Alo is a professional, self-motivated, and committed Accountant, who has demonstrated ability in developing financial strategies, budgeting, cash flow, and debt management. With over 30 years of accounting experience, Ojo has been able to identify major pitfalls and potholes in both corporate and personal finances. As an adult from a very humble background, who went through thick and thin, Ojo is on a mission to help people transform from a life of hopelessness to vibrant life.

Beautiful Books on Self-Improvement

Family Budgeting
The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth
Total Mental Resilience
Make It Happen

Saving Money Amidst Challenges