Saving Money Amidst Challenges

Self Improvement Bundle



Self Improvement Bundle – Are you struggling with your finances, neck-deep in debt, procrastinate and not organized. Here is a complete sets of books that will reshaping your life.

  • Saving Money Amidst Challenges” will help you identify some of the financial pitfalls to avoid and the great habits to embrace. The overall objective is to help you focus, eliminate debt, spontaneous buying and to regain your financial independence. You will learn about
    1. Several things that compete for your hard earned income and how to deal with them
    2. Why it is important to listen to the counsel of elder and the benefits derivable from such counsels
    3. The mistake you can make early in life and how to avoid them
    4. The pros and cons of peer groups
    5. How to avoid debt like a plague to enable you achieve success in life
    6. The beauty of starting small rather than procrastinating
    7. How to take advantages of opportunities available to you and maximize your potentials
    8. How to save money
    9. And many more…


  • Family Budgeting is a guide that will show you how to plan all your expenses in line with your income, identify important expenses, avoid spontaneous buying, and save money for the future. Remember that whosoever fails to plan has already planned to fail. Amongst other things, you will learn
    1. Step-by-step actions to take on your way from financial mess to pillar of (wealthy) success
    2. Common expenses that you may forget to add to your budget if you’re not careful
    3. What to do if your expenses total more than your income.
    4. How to handle your paycheck strategically to make sure your bills get paid. Hint: This trick is so good; you won’t notice how responsible you are being.
    5. The 17 rules to family budgeting. Print these out and post them on your refrigerator.
    6. The secret weapons for stopping the reach to your purse or wallet. Tried and tested, these are guaranteed to cut down your spending.
    7. And many more…


  • Total Mental Resilience is the ultimate guide for those who want to build their resilience and become unbeatable in the face of life’s challenges. As the saying goes, life is not on beds of roses, challenges will come and unwanted and unexpected situations may happen. How do you cope and deal with any obstacle that comes your way and emerge victorious?
    1. How to use adversity as a stepping stone to future success.
    2. Various reasons why adversity is inevitable and how to come it.
    3. Why you should embrace challenges instead of avoiding them.
    4. The little known facts about adversity and how you can use them to your advantage.
    5. Several rich and famous people who were molded in the furnace of adversity and what you can learn from them.
    6. The surprising benefits of being strong in the face of life’s obstacles.
    7. Why lack of resilience could literally cost you your life.
    8. And many more…


  • Make It Happen is a fantastic book for those who likes to procrastinate. Procrastination is a thief of time and we need whatever it takes to get it out of our lives.

This “Self Improvement Bundle” is a must have for people who aspire to be wealthy.



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